Falling… with style!

When I was a single guy in college, I was invited to go on a hiking trip. By chance, it ended up being me and 6 girls. Of course, I was pretty happy about that! It was a fairly easy hike but it goes up into a somewhat narrow canyon in the red sandstone of Southern Utah so there are a few places that require some scrambling and balance. I was pretty confident in my scrambling abilities and I was able to climb up and down the steep areas with ease. I wouldn’t say I was showing off, exactly, but I was secretly hoping that I would impress the ladies. (C’mon, I was a single college guy, of course I was showing off!) I probably did make an impression because, although I managed the more difficult areas of the hike with ease, on a particularly easy section of trail, I was not being mindful and tripped over a rock! It was the only rock in the trail and it was big enough that I should have noticed it. We were moving quickly so I had some good momentum to make the fall even more humiliating. I popped up off the ground and continued walking like nothing hContinue reading